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Posted by René Lemay on 2024-01-07

Interest rates in 2024: what you need to know

If you're thinking of buying or selling a property in Quebec in 2024, you're probably wondering what interest rates will be like then. Interest rates influence the cost of credit, borrowing capacity, real estate supply and demand, and the profitability of investments.

In this article, we'll present the main interest rate forecasts for 2024, based on data from the website [Forecasts of Mortgage Rates in Quebec for 2024-2026](https://www.liderapro.com/blog-actus/comment-creer-une-page-de-blog-avec-wordpress-et-elementor). We'll also give you some tips on how to prepare for this eventuality and take advantage of the opportunities that will arise.

Interest rate forecasts for 2024

According to the website [Forecasts of Mortgage Rates in Quebec for 2024-2026](https://www.liderapro.com/blog-actus/comment-creer-une-page-de-blog-avec-wordpress-et-elementor), interest rates are set to fall significantly in 2024, after reaching historic highs in 2023. This decline is due to a number of factors:

  • The end of the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to a global economic recovery and a reduction in geopolitical tensions.
  • The Bank of Canada's accommodating monetary policy, which would keep its key rate low to stimulate growth and inflation.
  • Increased competition between financial institutions, which would offer attractive mortgage rates to attract customers.

For example, the website [Forecasts of Mortgage Rates in Quebec for 2024-2026](https://www.liderapro.com/blog-actus/comment-creer-une-page-de-blog-avec-wordpress-et-elementor) predicts that average interest rates for 5-year fixed-rate mortgages will fall from 4.5% in 2023 to 3.5% in 2024, a drop of 1 percentage point. Similarly, average interest rates for 5-year variable-rate mortgages will fall from 3.5% in 2023 to 2.5% in 2024, a drop of 1 percentage point.

However, these forecasts are subject to uncertainties and unforeseen events, which could alter the scenario envisaged. For example, a new wave of Covid-19, an international financial crisis, a trade war, or an unexpected rise in inflation could lead to a rise in interest rates.

The impact of interest rates on the real estate market

The drop in interest rates scheduled for 2024 would have positive consequences for the Quebec real estate market, which has already been experiencing strong momentum for several years. Lower interest rates will..:

  • Increase the borrowing capacity of potential buyers, who could access more expensive properties or repay their loans more quickly.
  • Stimulate demand for properties, which would benefit from lower credit costs and greater purchasing power.
  • Support the supply of properties, which would benefit from sustained demand and increased profitability.
  • Encourage higher property prices, reflecting strong market activity and the scarcity of available properties.

However, these consequences are modulated by other factors, such as..:

  • Developments in the health situation, which could affect consumer confidence, population mobility and government measures.
  • Changes in the economic situation, which could affect household income, unemployment and debt levels.
  • Changing demographics, which could affect household composition, housing needs and buyer preferences.
  • Regulatory developments, which could affect access to credit, environmental standards and tax incentives.

Tips for taking advantage of interest rates in 2024

If you're thinking of buying or selling a property in Quebec in 2024, you need to be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities offered by falling interest rates. Here are a few tips to help you realize your real estate project under the best possible conditions:

  • If you want to buy a property, you need to assess your borrowing capacity, compare credit offers and negotiate the best possible rate. You also need to define your search criteria, visit several properties, and make a reasonable purchase offer.
  • If you want to sell a property, you need to assess its value, highlight its assets and set a realistic selling price. You also need to advertise, arrange viewings and accept a satisfactory offer.
  • If you want to renegotiate your mortgage, you need to check the terms and conditions of your contract, calculate prepayment charges, and compare potential savings. You should also contact your current lender, solicit other offers, and choose the best option.


Interest rates are a key element in the real estate market, influencing the behavior of buyers and sellers. According to forecasts on the website [Forecasts of Mortgage Rates in Quebec for 2024-2026](https://www.liderapro.com/blog-actus/comment-creer-une-page-de-blog-avec-wordpress-et-elementor), interest rates should fall in 2024, with positive consequences for the Quebec real estate market. However, these forecasts are uncertain and depend on many factors. If you want to take advantage of the opportunities offered by lower interest rates in 2024, you need to be prepared and follow our advice.

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